Narla Partnership – PJC Homes

Narla Partnership


We’re proud to announce we’re now a NRLA business member.


The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) is the UK’s largest membership organisation for private residential landlords in England and Wales, supporting and representing over 100,000 members.


This gives direct access to the new industry changes or when new laws or regulations are set for Landlords. Narla has dedicated Welsh specialists to keep us updated on the latest regulations and guidance for Landlords in Wales.


“Our new partnership brings access to training to develop our staff and helps us cover all basis for our landlords. Our landlords can be assured we are always ahead of the game and have the latest industry updates” says Sian Hills, Rental and Accounts manager.


Our award winning rentals team.


By PJC Homes on March 14th, 2024